Status display
power LEDs


Bus Coupler

Input for
power contacts

Power contacts

Serial interface

Address selector

Configuration and
programming interface

Address selector

BC8150 | RS232 Bus Terminal Controllers
The BC8150 “Compact” Bus Terminal Controller with serial RS232 interface extends the Beckhoff small controller series by a cost-optimised version in a compact housing. An open serial protocol – like in the BK8x00 Bus Couplers – and the Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol are implemented. The address and the protocol are selected via the two rotary selection switches.
Controller for stand-alone applications
The Bus Terminal Controller is programmed using the TwinCAT programming system conforms to IEC 61131-3. The PLC programs can be written in five different programming languages (IL, FBD, LD, SFC, ST). In addition, TwinCAT offers extensive debug functionalities (breakpoint, single step, monitoring, …), which facilitate commissioning. It is also possible to perform adjustment and measurement of the cycle time. The inputs and outputs of the connected Bus Terminals are assigned in the PLC.
Data is exchanged with the interface on the Bus Terminal Controller with the aid of a control and status byte, through which a handshake must be executed. A serial communication function block for TwinCAT is available for this purpose.