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Controller LFL1.322 LAL1.25 LAL2.25 LFL1.333E LFL1.335E110V RL BT

  • Đăng ngày 10-10-2022 08:11:26 PM - 338 Lượt xem
  • Mã sản phẩm: S004353

  • Tình trạng sản phẩm:

    • Brand: Siemens
    • Model: LAL1.25 LAL2.25 LFL1.322 LFL1.333E LFL1.
    • Origin: Germany
    • Color classification: LFL1.322 110V LFL1.335 110V LAL2.25 110V LFL1.333RL LAL1.25 LAL2.25 LFL1.322 LFL1.333 LFL1.335 base LFL1.322RL LFL1.333BT LFL1.322BT LFL1.335BT LFL1.335E LFL1 .333E LFL1.322E Other models LFL1.635 LFL1.122 LAL1.25CB

    Burner accessories related data

    model LFL1.122 LFL1.133 LFL1.322 LFL1.133 LFL1.135 LFL1.622 LFL1.635 LFL1.638
    t1 10s 9s 36s 31.5 37.5s 66s 67.5s 67.5s
    TAS 2s 3s 2s 3s 2.5s 2s 2.5s 2.5s
    TAS / / / / 5s / 5s 5s
    t3 4s 3s 4s 6s 5s 4s 5s 5s
    t3 / / / / 2.5s / 2.5s 2.5s
    t4 6s 6s 10s 12s 12.5s 10s 12.5s 12.5s
    4 / / / / 15s / 15s 15s
    t5 4s 3s 10s 12s 12.5s 10s 12.5s 12.5s
    t6 10s 14.5s 12s 18s 15s 12s 15s 15s
    t7 2s 3s 2s 3s 2.5s 2s 2.5s 2.5s
    t8 30s 29 60s 72s 78s 96s 105s 105s
    t9 2s 3s 2s 3s 5s 2s 5s 5s
    t10 6s 6s 8s 12s 10s 8s 10s 10s
    t11 optional              
    t12 optional              
    t13 10s 14.5s 12s 18s 15s 12s 15s 15s
    t16 4s 3s 4s 6s 5s 4s 5s 5s
    t20 32s 60s / 27s 22.5s / / /
    Remark Ignition monitoring Ignition monitoring fixed
    air heating
            Large capacity

    Brand: SIEMENS (Siemens)

    Origin: Germany

    Control and monitoring of intermittently operating multi-stage or continuously proportional medium to large gas, oil or dual fuel forced draft burners
    Controlling burners with expanding flame and interruptible ignition
    With damper position detection
    LFL1.638 is suitable for large capacity natural draft burners


     product description

    The burner controls of the LFL1... range are designed for the control and supervision of forced draught gas burners of both expanding flame and interrupted pilot construction of medium to high capacity. They are universally applicable and can be used for both multistage and modulating burners as well as for dual-fuel burners and for burners of stationary air heaters (WLE to DIN 4794).

    The difference between series 01 and 02 lies in the duration of the safety time for the pilot burner of burners using pilot gas valves.

    For atmospheric burners of high capacity, type LFL1.638 is available.

    For burner controls used with burners in continuous operation, types LGK16... .

     Model table
      LFL1.122 Series 02 LFL1.133 Series 02 LFL1.322 Series 02 LFL1.333 Series 02 LFL1.335 Series 01 LFL1.622 Series 02 LFL1.635 Series 01 LFL1.638 Series 01
    t1 10 9 36 31.5 37.5 66 67.5 67.5
    t2 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5
    t2' - 3 - - 5 - 5 5
    t3 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 5
    t3' - - - - 2.5 - 2.5 2.5
    t4 6 6 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 12.5
    t4' - - - - 15 - 15 15
    t5 4 3 10 12 12.5 10 12.5 12.5
    t6 10 14.5 12 18 15 12 15 15
    t7 2 3 2 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5
    t8 30 29 60 72 78 96 105 105
    t9 2 3 2 3 5 2 5 7.5
    t10 6 6 8 12 10 8 10 10
    t11 optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
    t12 optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
    t16 4 3 4 6 5 4 5 5
    t13 10 14.5 12 18 15 12 15 15
    t20 32 60 - 27 22.5 - - -
    t1 Pre-purge time, damper open t7 Interval time from start to port 7 start working (fan 2 start delay time)
    t2 safe time t8 Startup duration (without ports 11 and 12)
    t2' Safety time or 1st stage fire safety time t9 second safe time
    t3 Pre-ignition time, short (Ignition transformer connection port 16) t10 Time interval from start to start of air pressure monitoring (excluding damper operating time)
    t3' Pre-ignition time, long (Ignition transformer connection port 15) t11 Operating time with the damper open to the maximum position
    t4 The interval from t2 to when port 19 opens 2 stages of fire t12 The time for the damper to run to the small fire position
    t4' The interval from t2' to when port 19 opens 2 stages of fire t13 allowable post-burn time
    t5 The interval from the end of t4 to the opening of the proportional control or valve at port 20 t16 Time interval until the damper gives an open command
    t6 Post-purge time (with fan 2) t20 Sequence self-test time after the programmer is locked
     technical parameter
    The main parameters
    main voltage AC220V -15%...240V +10%

    AC100V -15%...110V +10%

    main frequency 50...60Hz ±6%
    Internal fuse T6 , 3H 250V to IEC 127
    external fuse 16A
    power 3VA
    weight 1000g ( base 165g)
    Protection level IP40
    Rated current  
    Terminal 1 5A ( 20A for a short time )
    Terminals 3 , 6 , 7 , 9...11 , 15...20 4A ( 20A for a short time )
    switch between terminals 4 and 5 1A
    switch between terminals 4 , 12 1A
    switch between terminals 4 , 14 5A ( 20A for a short time )
    environmental conditions
    transport environment IEC 721-3-2
    internal conditions class 2K2
    temperature range -50...+70oC
    humidity <95%
    Operating environment IEC 721-3-3
    internal conditions class 3K5
    temperature range -20...+60oC
    humidity <95%
    no water



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    Trụ sở: số 124 ngõ 79 Yên Hoà-Cầu giấy-HN
    Kinh doanh 1 : 0816.861.515
    Kinh doanh 2 : 0836.861.515
    Email: tthkinhdoanh@gmail.com
    Email: tthkinhdoanh01@gmail.com

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