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Bộ chuyển đổi nhiệt độ ABB TTH300 - Head-mount temperature transmitters ABB TTH300
Đăng ngày 23-08-2018 07:47:32 PM - 1164 Lượt xem
Mã sản phẩm: ABB TTH300
- TTH300-Y0 Not explosion-proof
- TTH300-S1 explosion-proof
- TTH300 C2 certification
- TTH300 PA protocol
1. Ambient temperature:
-40?85 degrees, minimum to -50?85 degrees;
can be connected with PT100 (2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire) or thermocouple;
a. Resistor
RTD resistance: PT100 according to DIN IEC 60751, JIS , MIL; Ni according to DIN 43760; Cu
resistance value: 0-500Ω0-5000Ω
sensor connection: 2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire system b. Thermocouple / voltage
division number: B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, C, D
Measurement accuracy: including linearity, repeatability, hysteresis, at 23oC ± 5K, 20V voltage supply, for PT100, measurement error 0.1K.
c. Voltage: - 125 mV-125 mV, -125 mV-1100 mV. Intrinsically
safe or flameproof optional;
temperature range: fully set before delivery to meet customer needs;
with HART protocol, range can be adjusted on site;
with LCD display And junction box
model: TTH200, TTH300 series
temperature measuring substance: thermocouple thermometer
temperature system: Celsius thermometer
display mode: digital
accuracy: 0.5 ° C and below
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